The Lexicon for Social Care is an initiative by HIQA’s Chief Inspector of Social Service. The Lexicon provides a list of commonly-used words relevant to social care, along with a definition. The use of standardised language is important for clarity and consistency and all providers of social care are encouraged to use the Lexicon in their communications with HIQA. Below are links to useful documents as well as a search function for the Lexicon.

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  • Guidance for providers on submitting notifications

  • Lexicon for Social Care (PDF)

  • Infographic about the Lexicon


Lexicon catalogue

Displaying 337 - 348 of 411 results.
Term Description

Scope of practice

The range of roles, functions, responsibilities and activities which a registered practitioner is educated, competent and has authority to perform.


The placing or leaving of a person in any room alone, at any time, day or night, with the exit door locked or fastened or held in such a way as to prevent the person from leaving.

Alternative term(s) not to be used : Isolation


Sudden, uncontrolled body movements and changes in behaviour that occur because of abnormal electrical activity in the brain.


The practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health.

Self-injurious behaviour (SIB)

Behaviours that cause harm, injury, or damage to a person’s body, often as an expression of personal distress. Self-harming behaviour might include cutting, burning, head-banging, hitting, biting, pinching, severe scratching, swallowing objects, and self-poisoning.

Sensory impairment

Sensory impairment is the common term used to describe deafness, blindness, visual impairment, hearing impairment and deafblindness.

Alternative term(s) not to be used : Sensory disability

Serious incident

An occasion where people's personal safety and wellbeing are put at risk. this is a broad term that includes adverse events.

Alternative term(s) not to be used : Safety incident

Serious injury

Physical trauma to the body by an external force that needs immediate hospital or medical treatment.

Sexual abuse

Any sexual act which takes places without freely given consent or where someone forces or manipulates someone else into unwanted sexual activity.


Physically or mentally ill; not well or healthy.

Single seperation

A brief seclusion of a child for their own safety and the safety of others.

Skill mix

The mix of posts, grades or occupations in an organisation or team.