Children’s services publication statement 12 September 2018

Date of publication:

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has today published an inspection report on the foster care service operated by Fostering First Ireland. Fostering First Ireland is a private foster care provider that operates in Tusla’s Dublin Mid-Leinster Region. 

HIQA is authorised by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs under Section 69 of the Child Care Act, 1991, as amended by Section 26 of the Child Care (Amendment) Act 2011, to inspect foster care services provided by Tusla, to report on its findings to the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs and to inspect services taking care of a child on behalf of Tusla, including non-statutory providers of foster care. HIQA monitors foster care services against the 2003 National Standards for Foster Care.

As part of its 2017 and 2018 monitoring programme, HIQA conducted thematic inspections across all 17 Tusla service areas and in all six private foster care providers, which focused on the recruitment, assessment, approval, supervision and review of foster carers. These thematic inspections were announced and covered specific standards relating to this theme. 

In an announced inspection of Fostering First Ireland in June 2018, of the six standards assessed, five were compliant, and one was substantially compliant.

The service was well resourced and managed, and there was good oversight to ensure that children were protected and that foster carers were well supported. There was good practice in relation to the support provided to foster carers. Each foster care household had an allocated fostering link social worker, who visited regularly, was in weekly communication with them, and provided good supervision and support. The majority of foster carers attended a monthly support group that was facilitated and supported by a link social worker. There was also a dedicated out-of-hours service available to foster carers.

Foster carers reviews were completed in a timely manner in line with the standards, and additional reviews took place following allegations or concerns. Reviews were detailed and review reports were comprehensive and of good quality.

Safeguarding arrangements included regular An Garda Síochána (police) vetting for foster carers and adults who had significant contact with the children in care. Each foster care household had a safe care policy which was reviewed regularly. A system of at least one unannounced visit per year to foster care households was also in place.

Allegations, serious concerns and complaints were well-managed, and appropriate action was taken to safeguard children. Some improvement were required as there were delays in notifying allegations and serious concerns to the foster care committee, and there was no system in place to escalate delays or other issues that arose to the appropriate person within Tusla. Strategy meetings were not always held in a timely manner, and the monitoring officer was not notified of allegations as required.

Assessments of prospective foster carers were comprehensive and completed in a timely manner, and there was good oversight by the management team. There was a clear process for the approval of foster carers by the relevant foster care committee. 

All foster carers received foundational training before their approval as foster carers, and there was a programme of regular training events in place for all foster carers.

The provider has submitted an action plan response to address the substantial compliances identified on inspection. The inspection report and action plan can be found on