Draft HTA of a PrEP programme

Status: Published on

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has launched a public consultation on a draft health technology assessment (HTA) of a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) programme for populations at substantial risk of sexual acquisition of HIV.

From reviewing the evidence, HIQA has found that PrEP is safe and highly effective at preventing HIV in people at substantial risk. Additionally, implementing a PrEP programme would be considered cost saving compared with standard care. The effectiveness of PrEP is strongly linked with taking the medication correctly, and PrEP must not be taken by individuals with an unrecognised HIV infection as drug resistance mutations may develop. This means that it is important that people taking part in a PrEP programme should receive advice on taking the medication appropriately and undergo frequent HIV testing.

HIQA wants to hear the views of the Irish public on this draft report before it is finalised. Following this, a final report will be prepared for consideration by the HIQA Board before providing advice to the Minister for Health. HIQA invites members of the public to give feedback on the draft report by 28 May 2019. The completed assessment will be submitted to the Minister for Health and the Health Service Executive as advice and published on the HIQA website.

The easiest way to give your feedback is to complete the online survey here.

Or complete a PDF version of the consultation form available below, and e-mail the completed consultation form to consultation@hiqa.ie

Or post the consultation form to:

Health Information and Quality Authority

HTA on C-reactive protein

George’s Court

George’s Lane

Dublin 7